Saturday, September 22, 2012


A friend asked me recently what my favorite thing about this world was. One of the best questions I ever heard. So...

"What is your favorite thing about this world?"

Is it the love between friends or a husband and wife? The beauty of the sky? The delicous food we have? Or even the music we share?

Does it overwhelm you at the thought we don't have to be here? Yet God in all his mercy has been giving us each new day, good or bad?

Yet, I think we pick so much stuff to worry about and to fret over.

It was just recently revealed to me in my heart that I held both bitterness and anger towards God. That's serious, my friend! I can say with confidence I know the Lord, am saved, and in fact love him, but having so much discontentment in my heart made me secretly angry towards him, if that makes sense.

Have you ever been in a sitation for which you found yourself angry towards him? Or even discontent?

Think about it.

Sometimes I think we won't recognize as Christians our frustration with God's will because we are caught up in the moment of good times or wanting that spiritual high.

First off, we need to examine ourselves through what we think (Philippians 4:8), what we say (James 3:1-12), and what we do (Proverbs 27:19; Mark 12:30; Colossians 3:23). Are they giving thanks to God? Or are we complaining, willing sinning against him, or even holding grudges towards our brothers and sisters in Christ?

Praying about anxiety I have felt and doubts I have had, I have come to realize that I need to simply be relient on the Lord for whatever he allows. For one thing, he has allowed me to be away from home where I felt like I was already being used in ministry. Moving away in the middle of what I felt like were good opportunities made me feel confused and frustrated. Why did God put me here in Dunbar Wisconsin? Wasn't there more opportunities in Champaign, Illinois? The answer is simple: possibly, but he has me here. So I need to focus my ministry mission here in town.

I prayed to him several times about this and He answered with several lists I have made in the past of what I would like to see Him do with me through talents and passions I have had since I was a youngster. They include writing (like this here blog), counseling others, being willing to reach out to non-Christians, and even going back to other talents I have been commended for, like drawings and poetry.

I don't know the Lord's plan for being here in Dunbar, Wisconsin, but I do know this. He has a plan for my life. He promises to take care of me (Psalm 55:22). I need to go to him every day I have left here on earth and let him consume me (1 Corinthians 7:24). I need to let go of myself and let him be glorified through me (1 Corinthians 10:31).

There is so much beauty in this world. Things that are hard to choose from to be our favorites, but in that question I asked in the beginning, we have to ask ourselves if holding onto the discontentment or anger in our hearts is what is worth having in our lives. Why not just obey God and let him glorify himself through us? God being peace. God being beautiful. God being our hope and strength...

Thanks for reading, as always!

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