Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Question For You

Hey Everybody!

First off, I want to thank anyone of you who have been checking my blog and have told me in person or in the comments what they have liked about my posts. It really is encouraging to know that you guys are reading them and hopefully learning something that the Lord has shown me. Now do I have a question for you...

I have written only six or so blogs this past month and I'm kind of stuck on where I want to take this blog. When I started this blog, I had so many ideas running through my head of what I was going to be talking about, that I'm even wondering if anyone would find it significant to read. So here's an idea. Please let me know in the comments what you have enjoyed. Testimonies of my life, observations, explanations of something from the Bible (and that can be limited on account if I write something about the Bible, I want to make sure I know what I am writing), or any other ideas that you may have for me.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have a suggestion or an answer to my question of what I should do with my blog. Also, I've been playing with the colors and background, so if anytime it's hard to read, please let me know. I'm still on the fence of what I want the design to be on this blog and it doesn't help when I'm not used to Blogger.

Lastly, when I started this blog, my hope was for you the reader to take away something in my life that I have learned, whether it be through experience or observations. I always think we can learn from each others lives and I think it would be great to hear back from you on what the Lord has done in your life. So here's another idea, I could post testimonies from people, whether it be anonymous or with a name. I'm trying to get creative here and so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Thanks again for checking in. I cannot wait to hear back from you.




  1. I think all of those topics sound great and you shouldn't have to limit yourself to just one! I think maybe labeling the posts (testimonies, observations, explanations ect.) would be good so someone could easily find what they want to read.
    Also you could feature a certain topic on a specific day. Like on the first Monday of the month you post a testimonial etc.
    And I would love to see some pictures. Maybe ones you've taken or found online.

  2. Thanks Cassie! I like the idea of having a specific day. I would like to get more organized so people can log on and know what to expect for that day.
