Monday, March 5, 2012

Last Days

My Pastor has been preaching on the last days at church the last few weeks. It's interesting because all that is said to going to happen has been happening for the last few thousand years. Read 2 Timothy. The whole book is on the importance of sharing the gospel, as well as a glimpse into the last days. I'd like to share more later, but for now I'll just point out a few key points that remind us how important it is we share the gospel verbally, as well through our witness through the way we live.

**The power of the Spirit within us equips us to do great things in His power and love (1:7)
**God has called us to live a holy life (1:8-11)
**By living a clean life, we are honored by God (2:20-22)
**Our life lived for Him will not be in vain (4:7-8)

" So I am willing to endure any thing if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen." ~ 2 Timothy 2:10

I wrote this a while ago, but I thought it was appropriate for what we have been learning.

You will recognize the world is cruel
But know it will get better soon
You will cry over the wars you’ll see 
Take to heart they will cease
You will be pressured until there’s nothing of you left
So remember the future promises to be kept
You will scream in the streets for justice
Just know you will receive salvation from the abyss
You will want to lend a helping hand to your fellow man in need
Remember a reward is there for each deed
You will seek restoration from all the madness
Take heart He is your refuge and King
And you will suffer for your stand
But remember this has yet to be the end

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