Saturday, August 18, 2012

Busy Days Ahead Of Us

This past week, and this week ahead, have been nothing more, but frazzling. Not frazzle in a bad way, but in a very good way!

I am getting ready to sail off to college this next coming Saturday, and one thing that has been on my mind is “how am I able to focus on what God wants me to do?”

I don’t know if you have been there before, but one busy day after another can rob time with God. That quiet moment all of us good Christians try to do each and everyday. I am being honest when I say I haven’t neglected time with God, but what I have neglected is watching what I do sometimes that is ultimately why I spend time with God. That is to be enveloped in him.

Jesus said, “"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.” (John 15:4)

What he means is as Christians, our lives are not based on the notion how much we are getting time with God, but more as what is this time with God doing in our lives? Is it molding it to match that of the life of Jesus? Is it showing who he is in our lives when we have the word moving us to live for him? All we doing all things for the glory of God?

As I go about my day, I try to focus on one thing. To stay focused on things above, and let that mold my day. My attitude, who I hang out with, and how I work are a few things that display the character of Christ that I abide in, or the lack thereof.

Today is a Saturday, and tomorrow is Sunday. Take some time to rest and study the Word. Perhaps read John 15, and take in the words of Jesus. Abide in your savior and his love. Let it renew you for the week ahead of you. And transform you in his likeness.

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