Monday, November 26, 2012

I Wish This For You

I wish that girls knew what it felt like when we walk over one another for a guy

I wish the guy knew what was in the heart of a woman before he got into deep

I wish that guys knew how kind words to a girl could mean more overtime.

I wish girls didn't take guys' words out of context. Maybe even knew the meaning of the words behind...

I wish girls would stop wishing for a guy to the point of unhappiness. Maybe finding joy in single hood and being apathetic

I wish guys knew what went on in a girls' heart. There is pain like everyone else, but thoughts come to flood the mind that only this one guy can save ones' sanity

And I wish the guy would remember this one thing-- someday there could be a guy for the girl. And for the girl, a guy. Why be flustered over what will happen over time? And why take the first and the last of the times that are meant to be so precious to the one they could have? Why manipulate? Why cherish? Why cry? Why play around? God has the future in His hands

I wish I knew how to convey words, to tell others what goes on through the human mind. When heaviness offers a heart, a longing for affection and want to be loved. If not filled by the knowledge of God's love and contentment. Away from this world. Away from emotions or feelings. That does not last but brings many to ruins.

I wish I knew how to tell you what I know. So I can tell you a love poem.

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