Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Relationships are like...

Wanting a relationship is like a kid wanting dessert that shouldn't have any, at least not just yet; depends if the parents want them to have it. Being in a relationship is like the guy who saw a car he wanted and worked to get it. Over time there are troubles, but in evidently he is glad he bought it. A relationship that ended is like an open wound. It takes time to heal. Even to nurse it to even just a scar. Don't rip it open again, or the wound will take more time to heal. Maybe even never at all. Anytime you think you someone can make you happy, remember this one thing. There is more to the dream of a small house with the picket fence, or the couple who went over seas to serve. There is the foundation for love in any relationship. The basis for all means of giving and caring for another person. When we fail to realize God is the first one to show us His love, this is what happens...

We look for a person to show us affection, we seek other's opinions, forget to pray, forget our passions for the kingdom to come, neglect others' needs, forget to care for ourselves (in our respect to not care what other people think, our calling, the plan God has for us and to focus on only Him), even do not see the beauty of other things around us.

We look before God's time, we eat the bitter dessert, buy a poor model, and open the wound. When our focus is right, we see our first love as Christ. No affections, peace, or satisfaction can be found anywhere else. When we want Him, we don't care about relationships. We care about partnership. Unity. The fellowship with others so as to glorify God in our life's calling. When we get focus, all else fades. And we are left feeling blessed and full with our lives. With or without someone in our lives.

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