Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Next Step

Write a note to yourself about one thing you struggle with right now. What is it that you know is hindering you between the Lord? Go on ahead and write it all out. I don't care how long the note is. Just a note that you will look back and remember where you are right now. A reminder that you have been here before. Maybe something like this.

"Dear Jane/John,

I know you are struggling with trusting the Lord. Remember this is a sin from the flesh. So do not give up, because your spirit is willing, but the body is weak (Matt.26:41). The Lord has proven himself true before in your life. Do not give up hope on him now." 

After you do that, follow me to the next paragraph.

Start Googling, looking back at the index in your Bible, asking for verses from friends, etc. that will counteract this struggle. Some like Jeremiah 29:11 when we doubt God's great plan for our lives or Philippians 4:13 for when we lack contentment in what he had given us. Make sure it is not taken out of context by reading verses surrounding the verse(s).  Let me tell you what you have to do, if you are to continue onto the next step. You have to believe these verses. No joke, no doubt, you have to accept these promises as truth, and nothing but the truth. No horseplay. God knows more than me and you. You have to corporate with him or else it is nothing is going to go as planned.

Next step (you're almost done), pray to God. Reveal the struggle you feel within you. Look to him, pray to him, get down on your face if you feel compelled to. Remember he is God. He knows what you are struggling with (Psalm 139:7-12). Let your communication between each other grow, because if you don't, like any relationship, it'll dry up and shrivel into nothing. So speak to him about everything on your heart and mind.

Finally, rewrite a note to yourself, this time with the verses you found intertwined in the message. Let God's Word speak to you for any further time you have a struggle with this one sin or event in your life. Let him override it with the power of his Word. Choose to believe and choose to lean on him, even when you do not understand the next step after this.

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