Friday, April 20, 2012

Risks of Being a Christian

"In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering." Romans 8:17

What are you willing to sacrifice in the name of Christ? Are you willing to give up a few hours on Sunday morning to go to church or 30 minutes to read your Bible everyday? While both are good, we need to remember who and what Jesus lived and died for. He didn't die just so we could have an encouraging message on Sunday or tell others what we believe. He died so that we could have a real relationship-- make that a love relationship-- with him. One where we are completely devoted to him unto death, just as he was for us. (John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:16)

I'm a list person, so to make this simple, I'm going to give you a list from what his life illustrated we are willing to do for our God. Look up the verses that follow and ask yourself, are you willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice in being a Christian?

*Be willing to be ridiculed (Matthew 10:22; Luke 21:17; John 15:18; Mark 15:23)
*Be willing to be physically persecuted (Matthew 5:11)
*Loss of relationships with friends and family (John 6:60-66; Mark 10:29:30; Luke 9:57-62; John 7:1-10)
*Be willing to be judged more strictly, if you are a teacher (James 3:1)
*Being willing to be an outcast (Luke 10:1-16)
*Trials (James 1:12)
*Death (Matthew 27; Luke 22)

I think there's more than I could think up right now, but you get the idea. This is with any extreme faith in something you believe in. It's going to mold you into who you are going to be and what sacrifices you are willing to make in life. Even who you will hang around with in life.  For me, what really got to me was the teaching aspect, from James 3:1. Jesus was a teacher,  and every word he said was true because he had that close of a relationship with his Father in heaven to be able to speak the exact truth; no biases or opinions. Cold hard truth.  I know at times I fail. I have deleted posts on this blog and even taken words back from friends. Teaching is hard because you have to know what you are talking about. Add an evaluation at the end of the road, and there's some pressure. This is why I have been more willing to slow down and not type what is at the top of my head or speak what is first in my mind. It really is important what we teach as Christians (if you are called) because it means you have a great influence in people's lives to steer their lives according to Scripture.

Don't get me wrong. I think there is great joy to being a Christian, even being a teacher. for example, Matthew 5:11-12 talks about being persecuted, but look at the end. There's a great reward in heaven for being persecuted. In 1 Corinthians 3:8 and Revelations 22:12;23, it talks about receiving rewards as well, according to what we have done in this life. What kind of rewards? Well the Bible does mention 5 types of crowns people will get: The "Crown of Rejoicing" (1Thes. 2:19: 2 Thes.1:5), the "Crown of Righteousness" (2 Timothy 4:8), the "Crown of Glory" (1 Peter 5:14), the "Incorruptible Crown" (1 Corinthians 9:25), and the "Crown of Life" (James 1:12). For more information on these crowns, click here.

When I think of the responsibilities and risks of being a Christian, I think of a soldier who goes into battle, knowing they could very well die in their call of duty. And that's exactly what we as Christians are in right now. We are on a call of duty, sort of say, to be willing to put our lives on the line for Christ. We are to be a living sacrifice for God (Romans 12:1; 1 Corinthians 6:20). We shouldn't do it halfheartedly, but to do it with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Luke 10:27).

Looking at this list, are you willing to do these things for God? If not, don't think you have failed for life. Just remember that God is still working on us, so recommit to him. Ask him to give you that passion and heart for him, that even death or just the denial of friends has no power to withhold you from being a true Christian who would never deny Christ (Matt. 10:33). Seek him today and let him renew you strength and hope in him, so that you say, "sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us." (Romans 8:17-18)

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