Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The God I Know...

The following post is one of the first posts I have ever written on my relationship with God. It was first posted on Facebook and was written when I was 20. Enjoy!

I believed in evil spirits before I believed there was a God. I even believed in guardian angels too, but questioned why they never seemed to have helped.Whoever is reading this probably already knows I’m a Christian for almost five years now. It’s been the only faith that I have ever followed, except if you consider astrology or things that go bump in the night as spirits among us as some form of religion, I guess it would have to the third religion I’ve ever chosen to believe. Christianity is one of the most recognizable religions, but still it's not the most liked. Usually it's the topic of the christian God that causes hairs to waver.

I’ve heard everything from God being too controlling to cruel. Why did God allow this to happen? What's with all the commandments? Why this, why that? When it all comes down to it, the question pretty much is, “Why does God allow horrible things in the world if he’s so loving?” We’ve seen the news- children in third world countries dying from ailments, natural disasters happening in areas that could barely afford stability before, and even people killing strangers in the name of God. Who is to blame? God. I’m not talking about just the Christian God, but the God, whoever he maybe to you.

Some people go through life either cursing God or praising him; others question his existence. Who is God and what exactly does he do? There’s plenty of evidence on Earth for some people to prove he doesn’t exist or that he doesn’t do anything more than just sit on his throne and watch humanity suffer. The God I know is nothing like the former; he is nothing but love.

Stick with me here. The first few years I became a Christian I was intimidated by God. I thought he was ready to strike me down whenever I sinned. My first mistake in being a Christian was believing I should be perfect. Definitely not the case five minutes after reciting the prayer to be saved. I might still cuss even to this day when I'm caught off guard and sometimes I catch myself lying to someone in what would only be called a white lie or bending the truth. So how am I even a Christian? Am I even saved, believing everything that Jesus said and going to heaven? Honestly it’s no one’s business but between God and me. He was the only one there with me when I said the prayer that I wanted to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and he was the only one to know what was really going on my heart before and after I was saved.

I’m glad it’s no one’s call whether go to heaven or hell other than God’s call. I think after finding out that I actually hated your outfit that day or that I ranted about you behind your back one day that you wouldn’t care one bit. Or maybe you would forgive me. You care enough about me. You know I'm only human just like you. Yep, that’s what love is my friend.

It’s not conditional or situational, not condemning someone for one (or multiple) second of stupidity and ignorance. It’s seeing beyond the faults, the hurts caused, and the pain formed by someone who wronged you. The Bible says God is love (1 John 4:8). The Bible also states that love covers all sins (1 Peter 4:8). It’s hoping for more from someone, seeing what is ahead, and looking for the best for the person. That is one aspect of the God I know. We wrong people and God in many ways everyday. Just a week or two ago at work I chose to ignore someone walking past them in the hallway to avoid getting caught in a long winded conversation with them. Anything from the smallest to the biggest things offends the idea of what love is.

Now I'm not writing to debunk anyone's belief or thoughts. I'm only writing on something that I feel compelled to write about and explain. I think so many of us get the idea that God is a dictator. I think this mostly is related to a misunderstanding of who he is. I think this is partly due to the fact that people know God does want us to be accountable, but I also think it also involves people who believe knowing God means being God.

A pet peeve of mine that I've noticed is one of the biggest problem in Christian circles that not only make me feel condemned, but keeps many from approaching the idea of God. This problem's called legalism. For me, this idea is when people make a set of rules to live by according to God which ultimately leads to twisted faith, believing humans have somewhat the same power as God. They throw away the verses like Romans 12:19 which state vengeance is God's or that God is the only one and make a set of rules in believing and following God. It's much worse than a clique in junior high you're not in. It's twisted pride and blind hate that illustrates a dictating hateful God. The God I know is not at all like this.

This is how the whole idea of Jesus falls into play. I heard a brilliant quote from my cousin that Gandhi once said which was, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so not like your Christ.” People who fall under the idea of legalism often forget Jesus was human, perfect, but human. The whole idea of who Jesus was is God himself coming to Earth and being with people. This is the God I know. He chose to come to Earth to live on land that he had made and with people he had created. God became human so he could be equal to us in our levels of temptations, aches and pains that any person could suffer from relationships to physical just to show how life ought to be done. (Hebrews 2:18)

It can be said that Jesus was like a parent is to their child. Parents and guardians are the most influential people in our lives because we grow up around them and for the first part of life we’re like manufactured clones until we start surrounding ourselves with more of a range of influences. It’s not so much that we are to be clones as Jesus as more than we are to be like Jesus in our character, mind, words, and heart. Everything falling under the same element which is love. Building others up with our words, actions, and deeds all influenced by our mindset to be like Jesus.

For some, the issue shouldn’t be what would Jesus do, it’s should be what wouldn’t he do. Jesus wouldn’t have stood on the corner of a sidewalk and held a picket sign proclaiming God hates gay people or promoting everyone’s damnation. The God I know shows openness to everyone and is willing to allow anyone to believe in him. The only thing anyone has to do is put their faith in him which can be compared to a child to a parent. This isn’t to say that God doesn’t call some things sin.

It’s just like in a parent-child relationship how the parents look out for what is best for the child. They send us to school to get an education, have a curfews so we return home before the boogeyman comes out (thanks Mom for that advice, whew), and even "bug" us until we finish all our homework so we get the most out of our education to hopefully find a good job to support ourselves someday. Our parents set rules and boundaries out of love, so does God. This is the God I know. He knows everything, including how many hairs are on your head (Luke 12:7), so why would he hold out on telling us what will hurt us and what will be beneficial to us even if it seems to take a lifetime before we finally realize it?

Before I write a book, I just want to make it clear-- I do fully believe in what the Bible says, but some things I know is not required of us to do anymore. For me justice is in God's hands, not mine. I may recognize the wrongs according to the Bible, but I shouldn't make my goal in a relationship with anyone to look for the worse in them. I'm not any different from you and you're not anymore different from me in the eyes of God.

No matter where we are in life, believer or not, I believe God wants us. In fact he loves you and me. He walked among us on Earth, died for our sins, and rose on the third day of his death and lives to this day in a place that those who know him can call home. I believe that he has done too much for us already to turn his back on anyone. All we have to do is know and believe in him and he'll take care of the rest. I don't know why he allows the earthquakes, the hunger, and other natural disasters in the world, but I do know God has his ways. He allows the hurts to draw us closer to him. He hurts when we hurt. He is the essence of love. This is the God I know.

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